
Build your city or town up with these great models that will fit right in with your existing setup. Modular buildings in the Cafe Corner style, smaller playset-type buildings, cars and trucks to get your Lego people where they're going. Bring your city to life.

Check out available models below

CV006 NYPD Radio Truck instructions

CV006 NYPD Radio Truck

New York Police Departments' elite Emergency Services Unit is a combined rescue/SWAT team that are called on when situations get...
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CV007 Hi Rail Dump Truck instructions

CV007 Hi Rail Dump Truck

When it's time to repair your rails, send in the heavy equipment to get the job done. This maintenance of...
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CV008 Fire Brush Truck instructions

CV008 Fire Brush Truck

Your rural fire crew needs a truck like this one to get back into the woods and get to where...
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CV009 Work Truck instructions

CV009 Work Truck

This generic work truck can serve many purposes in your city. Truck can be used as an electricians truck, plumbers...
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CV010 American Ambulance instructions

CV010 American Ambulance

Help keep your city's residents safe and make sure they have quick transport to the hospital should there be an...
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CV011 Hot Rod instructions

CV011 Hot Rod

Let your minifigs cruise the streets in style with this model patterned after a '32 Ford Hot Rod. These instructions...
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MM001 Mini Emergency Vehicles instructions

MM001 Mini Emergency Vehicles

These cute little emergency vehicles are built for fun. They are a smaller scale than minifig scale. You can build...
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MM002 Mini National Bank instructions

MM002 Mini National Bank

This is a mini version of our minifig-scale CB009 National Bank. It was built to the same scale as Lego's...
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MM003 Mini Chili's Restaurant instructions

MM003 Mini Chili's Restaurant

This is a mini version of our minifig-scale CB011 Chili's Restaurant. It was built to the same scale as Lego's...
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MM004 Mini Colonial Revival and Bakery instructions

MM004 Mini Colonial Revival and Bakery

This is a mini version of our minifig-scale CB002 Colonial Revival and CB010 Bakery. It was built to the same...
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MM005 Mini Precinct instructions

MM005 Mini Precinct

This is a mini version of our minifig-scale CB001 Precinct. It was built to the same scale as Lego's mini...
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MM006 Lincoln Memorial instructions

MM006 Lincoln Memorial

This is our first architectural-style model. It's a great little scale representation of one of America's most famous landmarks. It...
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